The voyage begins

China to Switzerland by ground transportation…at first the idea seemed crazy, I mean it may still be. Yet when I looked at a map and traced where the journey would take me through it was just too epic to pass up when Greg asked if I wanted to join him. So here I am, at the start of our journey in China, ready to make our way from east to west, ready to see landscapes, experience cultures and meet peoples that nestle against each other one by one all the way from China, though Mongolia, Russia, Eastern Europe and ending in western Europe. One by one the culture will vary slightly, with overlaps, new interpretations, riffs. I started my trip with a big bowl of noodles and am hoping to end it with a big pot of fondue. What happens in between I am hoping to share a bit through this blog, although I have no idea how much time I will have to devote to it, but let’s see.

See you at the next stop!

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